Saturday, March 22, 2008

Webster Pass pano. Didn't come out to good need to start using a tripod...
This is were I broke through the snow into a creek on my way up. Scared the heck out of me! Only got my legs soaked up to the knee before I crawled out. I'm not sure how deep it really was and you couldn't tell it was there. I took this picture on my way back trying to avoid it through deeeeep snow. The guys at work knew about the creek and said it runs deep in the summer.
This is were I ditched my weighted pack for a while. Enabling me to bounce around up top a little more.
I can only imagine how much fun hiking you can do in the summer here!
Other side of Webster Pass.
Summit Webster pass. A rough road follows the peaks so a road sign and some restrictions are placed on top. I think the elevation is over 12,000ft here but thats a guess.
Webster Pass...
Webster Pass. Cool looking bowl. If you watch the movies "The Bucket List" some areal scenes are shot in this area and i hear it looks like the alps in the movie...
Webster Pass. Turns out this cloudy day was a great chance to take some B&W pictures. I left a few in color so that one can get the idea of the earth tones up above tree line (11,500).
Webster Pass. Another PT/fun hike. This pass is off the same road as Montezuma mt, Deer Creek and Peru Creek that I've posted pictures of.
Loveland Pass. elevation 11,990 ft. Closes often in the winter for avalanche basting and is the only alternative to the Eisenhower tunnel. Also its a back country ski favorite.
Loveland Pass. Heading to the Denver airport with Tara sister I took a few shots sight seeing from the road.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

This is as far as I got. Didn't bring any water with me only 35 pounds of sand. being thirsty I called it a day.
Nice clouds huh?
This is one of the many places that snowmobilers stage while towing skiers up the surrounding mountains. While I was hanging out here for a few minutes some guy broke his snowmobile and had to leave it and hike out with no snowshoes. Made me laugh a little.
Little more up the hill. Looking back.
Looking back a little ways down the trail. I think that is Montezuma Mt.
Took a hike up Deer Creek. Great sunny day, warm and windy.