Sunday, September 7, 2008


Deepest lake in the county. Second in the world. Created by a volcano collapsing. Check out the cool island. If I choose to become a pirate when I grow up... I might just storm that island.

Great place! Worth seeing.

Matt, Susan and Dewey

Bubba's squad. Or as they prefer to be called "The shrimp boat".

September 1. After days of indirect line and very little fire behavior crews started getting released. Today it was our turn. We headed for New Mexico short of a 14 day tour. Hurricane Gustav (sp?) is the only incident ordering crews, the fire world is at a stand still. This picture is of Creator Lake. It happened to be on our way home so we stopped briefly.

Huckleberry Finn. Dewey brought us a treat at the end of the day.

The Gila IHC logging games. Who can cut the rounds faster. A true test of your sharpening ability.

Smoke haze.

Pocket wilderness? This fire is burning in a designated wilderness area. Its an incredibly small wilderness when compared with the Gila. You can see in this picture how its burning in the re-prod from the 1996 burn. Healthy fire?

August 27. Olie our crews student hire has to leave and become a Paramedic. So today is our last chance to get a picture with the full crew of 2008. Here we are in full gear.

August 28. Sunrise Oregon.

August 27. Sunset in Oregon.

August 27th. The most fire we've seen yet...

August 26. Long day of line ended at a nice spot to take a Saw team picture.

August 26. North Fork Complex/Rattle Fire. On the Umqua N.F.
Our mission is to construct indirect contingency line around a 600 acre fire. No one is willing to enter the fire area because lies in a old burn from 1996. Left over are hundreds of snags many of which are burning away what little wood is holding them up.

Mt. Shasta on our way to the Rattle Fire.

Anyone seen the movie Super Troopers? Or maybe the TV show Reno 911?

We staged at a river with some ancient lava flow tunnels for a few hours.

The finished products.

Notice the attention to detail Bubba uses while detailing Alex's new upper lip hair style.

August 25. Hendricks getting a mustache. He held out and got 50 bucks for doing his...

August 25th. Lonesome Complex. Rogue River N.F. The fires are out here for the most part. We mopped up and kept busy while waiting for a re-assignment.
"Nevada Bob" getting mustached

August 22-24. Today we left Negrito for Oregon. It took us three solid days of travel and an O ring off one of the carriers diesel turbo. But we made it. This shot is the sun setting in Nevada from our mobile home.